
Weekly Bookkeeping Services

  • 3 X Weekly
  • Bookkeeping services include up to 5 accounts.

Monthly Bookkeeping Services

  • 1 X Monthly
  • Bookkeeping services include up to 5 accounts.

Quarterly Bookkeeping Services

  • 1 X Quarterly
  • Bookkeeping services include up to 5 accounts.

Retroactive Bookkeeping Services


Payroll Services - Weekly

  • Up to 10 employees and/or 1099 contractors

Payroll Set Up Fee - 1 Time Fee

  • Our payroll services require a one time setup fee of $250.00. This fee compensates for the time required to collect and enter employee and/or 1099 contractor information.

Bookkeeping Set Up Fee - 1 Time Fee

  • Our bookkeeping packages require a one time setup fee of $75.00. This fee compensates for the time required to connect your bank accounts and credit cards to the accounting software. This fee also includes the time needed for reviewing and/or setting up your chart of accounts.